Discover High-Quality Incorrect Sound Effects

Explore our diverse collection of incorrect sound effects. Perfect for game over screens, wrong answers, or comedic timing, these sounds are ideal for elevating your media projects.

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sound effect generator

A subtle, melodic tone descending into silence to indicate a minor mistake.

sound effect generator

A high-pitched squeaking noise, like an error in a whimsical cartoon setting.

sound effect generator

A humorous ‘sad trombone’ sound but with an electronic twist.

sound effect generator

A layered sound of a buzzer and a descending tone for added emphasis on failure.

sound effect generator

A robotic voice simply saying ‘Incorrect’ with a mechanical echo.

sound effect generator

A dramatic ‘gong’ sound to accentuate a significant error or failure.

sound effect generator

A sharp, quick 'X' sound representing a visual strike-through in audio form.

sound effect generator

A retro video game-style ‘wrong’ sound with 8-bit tones.

sound effect generator

A short burst of static noise as if a signal was interrupted due to an error.

sound effect generator

A comedic trombone ‘womp womp’ to underline a funny failure moment.

sound effect generator

A cartoonish ‘boing’ sound to emphasize an incorrect action in a humorous way.

sound effect generator

A dramatic orchestral hit that emphasizes a major mistake or failure.

sound effect generator

A loud buzzer sound commonly used in game shows to indicate a wrong answer.

sound effect generator

A digital glitch sound to represent an incorrect action in a sci-fi setting.

sound effect generator

A whimsical slide whistle descending to indicate a wrong answer in a playful context.

sound effect generator

A short, sharp ‘error’ beep like a computer system rejecting input.

sound effect generator

A deep, resonating ‘wrong’ tone with a fading echo effect.

sound effect generator

A metallic clang as if something has fallen due to an incorrect action.

sound effect generator

A descending three-note tone to signal failure or mistake.

sound effect generator

A soft, disappointed sigh sound to signal a subtle error.