Professional Cat Hissing Sound Effects Collection

Discover high-quality cat hissing sound effects perfect for films, games, and multimedia projects. Our collection features authentic feline warning sounds ranging from mild defensive hisses to aggressive territorial warnings.

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Multiple cat confrontation with overlapping hisses and warnings

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Halloween-style dramatic cat hiss with exaggerated threatening qualities

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Siamese cat distinctive high-pitched aggressive hissing

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Quick defensive cat hiss with immediate retreat sounds

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Elderly cat raspy warning hiss with aged vocal characteristics

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Close-miked cat hiss with detailed breath and spit sounds

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///Series of escalating warning hisses building in intensity///

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Dominant cat territorial hiss with confident, threatening tone

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Scared cat panic hiss with frightened undertones

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Feral cat aggressive hissing with wild, untamed characteristics

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Young cat first defensive hiss, slightly higher pitched and uncertain

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Dramatic cat confrontation with alternating hisses and growls

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Short sharp hiss followed by defensive growl sequence

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Intense cat hissing with dramatic buildup and fierce ending

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Soft cautionary hiss from mother cat protecting kittens

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Territorial cat hissing with spitting sound and aggressive undertones

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Multiple rapid defensive hisses from cornered cat

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Long threatening cat hiss with building intensity and trailing growl

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Quick warning hiss from startled cat, sharp and sudden

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Aggressive cat hissing with deep throat growl, defensive posture, close-up recording